Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3rd to 7th of May Tour of European Year of Volunteering

Time is realtive, it is March, but we work for May. Yesterday was March and I worked on things happened in, don't sit and relax thinking that you'll always have tomorrow, because time is relative!

This will be the space for you to let us know how would you like to participate in teh Tour of European Year of Volunteering happening in May, as suggested in the e-mail we have at the moment these proposals:
- Pecha Kucha Sessions
- Games, WorkShops

Even though it is all on the bases of volunteering, I do hope on your active participation and contribution!!

In case you have ideas of your own what to make, this is the space for that.
Please keep the discussion alive till 25th of March.

Thanks guys and see you don't forget to enjoy the spring!