Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some ideas...

Hello to all of you…

I haven´t been at the meetings (I´m sorry, but some bacteriums or virus was coming between), but I was reading this post through and I really like the ideas, well done!
I would really like to help you and also to represent my country! 

Ad music: Of course I can recommend some funny music from austria like falco, EAV, STS, Hubert von Goisan and so on. So I think we should select the music and fix some date until we bring it with us to the meetings and someone saves it.

Ad olympic games: very famous sport in austria is skiing (downhill), ski jumping, tennis but it´s difficult to implement it and to make a competition, because we need ski´s and a big hill ;). What is very funny, but not a real kind of sport is to sled downhill. So henna I don´t know, maybe you have a hill in tudulinna where we can sled downhill. It´s very funny and we can also make a competition out of it. Oh but now I just remember, in May there will be no snow anymore, I have to think about something different ;) 

Ad Children games: oh we have a lot of games. But what is very funny, you can make it inside without needing equipment is silent post (direct translated, I don´t know if there is a special english word for this game). It´s for children between 4-10 and 4-20 persons can play. All the kids are sitting in a circle and one starts to whisper a word in the ear of the kid next to him or her and so on. The last kid in the circle has to say what it understood. Maybe you know this game. It´s very funny and sometimes the words during the game chance in a very funny way. When I was a child I was playing it very often.
Another game is called „room, kitchen, cabinet“. The players are standing in a row and one player, the speaker, is standing with the back to the others. The distance between those two parts depends on the space. The speaker starts to say the the phrase „room, kitchen, cabinet, behind the oven is standing  a bed“ (in german language it´s a rime). When the speaker is saying this the others have to go as quickly into the direction of the speaker. When he stopps he turns around and the other player have to stand still. If they just shake, they have to start again. Who is reaching the speaker at first is the next speaker. Uhhh it´s very difficult to explain it in english, but a funny game!
Just some thoughts, maybe you like the games ;)

Ad Fair: at this stop I would really like to make something. I will do already a presentation of austria in  the youth center in maidla, so maybe I can use that also for the older ones. The presentation includes some typical characteristics from austrian people and also a video of different dialects ;) and of course a lot of pictures. And for the smaller one, I think to make a tablegame on myself – the form could be the austrian country and it should be a simple game, I will think about it. And of course I can bring something sweet from austria like Manner (slices) etc. 

So thank you all for reading through this ;) let me know what you think about it!
Oh and maybe you read also my older post. I also want to make a happening in Maidla in the beginning of april, when the evaluation meeting will take place here. I was thinking about representing the different countries. So you can also use your preperation for tudulinna. You can make whatever you want (pictures, short presentation, drawing etc). oh and i would like to make a small buffet of international food .. what do you think about this ideas? You want to participate? Please let me know!!!
I hope it was not to much information , but it´s very difficult for myself to be precise ;)

Head õhtut,



  1. Thanks Marina!

    It's funny, I know both of the games you talked about :) . Translated from Finnish the first one would be "the gossip (woman)" or "the broken phone"... second one (just without the phrase) "the mirror". Interesting indeed!

    Your fair table seems almost ready :). And about your buffet - were you thinking about one or more examples from one country? I know one thing that I'll bring for sure, but tell me, if I need to think about something else?


  2. hey henna...

    It´s very funny ;) Do you like this games or do you think they are too simple? I will give my best for the fair table!
    Regarding the buffet: it should be a small variation of international food to taste ;) so if all the volunteers will participate I think it´s enough if you will bring one thing... I think the best will be to talk about it in the next meeting, what do you think? Oh and if you need some help with something regarding the international day in tudulinna let me know!


  3. I think that those games are just fine. We can have a few more complicated games and something more simple too. Quite diplomatic answer, sorry ;) . Yeah, and let's talk in the next meeting (official or unofficial) about buffet stuff etc. :) .


  4. in Poland we call that games "deaf phone" and "one, two, three - old witch is looking at you" :)
